The Benefactor


Oh well, look at this. I managed to find the way you upload images.

This is the character known as The Benefactor to me, from the first workshop. As the Art Director, a role picked for me on the behalf of being the only person in the group capable of drawing, I had to design the characters. Among else. This character stuck out for me, partly for playing mission control though the game we made up.

And, again, I leave you.

Have a pleasant evening.

Well then…

I apologize for not updating this blog in a while.

I lost it. Using my amazing memory capabilities, I managed to lose my own blog. I am frankly amazed at my own abilities,

As for what has happened these weeks I’ve not updated? Nothing of importance that I can recall. We finished the Sissy Fight assignment, wrote a popular science article, got started on essays, and we have lived through two workshops.

The workshops were a great deal of fun.

I would show the one scanned image I have from being the artist of the first workshop. As for the second one… We’ll see if I get to upload it here, and not just one person in our group. So far I am uncertain. I will likely write a post-mortem on it eventually. Just need to find, or make, the time.

I might upload one of the essays here. We’ll see about that, too.

Here we go


As I recently resumed school to go Game Design, I have been told to make a blog. As such, here I am.

This will be where I talk about my studies, and upload art and finished products that has to do with them, or I deem acceptable to upload here. My posting habits will be a bit erratic at best, with no sense of regularity.

Which means I will update this blog whenever I have something to update it with instead of meaningless blabber.

On that note, I will leave you.

Have a pleasant day.